
初代会長 近藤正臣先生のご講演



Summary of Kondo’s Presentation at the Symposium


JAITS Annual Conference
Aoyama Gakuin University
September 12, 2015

 本年度の日本通訳翻訳学会総会は、初めにシンポジウムがあり、そのテーマが「歴代会長に聞く:日本通訳翻訳学会の過去・現在・未来――知の継承のために」でした。わたくしはいちおう初代会長なので、このシンポジウムで最初に発言いたしました。それを要約したものを日本翻訳連盟(JTF)のJTFジャーナルのウェブ版に掲載していただけるというので、編集部が素案を起草し、わたくしがいささかの訂正などをし、このような文書ができました。この学会は海外にも会員がいますし、その人たちにもこれまでさんざん世話にもなっていますので、英訳もつけました。そして、ちょっと驚いたことがあったので、そのこともいわばPost Scriptとしてつけました。ご笑覧のほどをお願いいたします。
 The annual conference of JAITS (Japan Association for Interpreting and Translation Studies) on Sept. 12-13th at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo began with a symposium with the theme of “Listen to the past presidents of JAITS to know the past, present and the future in order to inherit the wisdom”.  Since I was the first president, I took the floor first.  The Japan Translation Federation (JTF) wished to publish the statements of the three past presidents and produced a summary of my presentation, which I made a few corrections/ additions.  My English translation follows the Japanese version.
 日本通訳学会発足大会では、規約・役員の承認に続いて、第1回大会に移行し、西山千氏の特別講演、新理事6名のシンポジウム、学会のメンバー、永田小絵・水野的両氏の研究発表が行われた。学会発足には、海外の8名から祝辞が寄せられた(『通訳研究』設立記念特別号、2000に、Jean-Pierre Allain, Peter Davidson, Yoko Yamamoto, Margareta Bowen, Jean Delisle, Laura Gran, Diane de Terra, Robin Setton各氏からの祝辞が掲載されている)。
 最後に補足を2点。ダニエル・ジル (Daniel Gile) 氏は、もともとは数学専攻で、後に学び直して通訳者になった人。日本語も本を読んでマスターしたすごい人である。日本で通訳研究を促すために来日し、モントリオールの雑誌METAで日本特集を組むなどしていただいた(1988年) 。


I quite literally suffered two shocks at the symposium at MIIS (Monterey Institute of International Studies) held in Dec. 1989.  One was that there were active interpreting studies carried out mainly in Europe.  Second was that there were interpreter training programs at the post-graduate level in many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Thailand, Australia, and the United States.
I told myself: We should first start interpreting studies in Japan also; we don’t really deserve to be members of the international community of interpreters unless we do this; and I should also repay an immense debt that I owe to the interpreting profession by promoting interpreting studies in Japan.  I called on my colleagues and friends for this attempt, resulting in the establishment of the IRAJ (Interpreting Research Association of Japan) in November, 1990.  In those days the general societal perception of our profession was that interpreting can be done by anyone who can prattle in English, thus nothing to teach at universities, and people asked what was there to ‘research and study’ about such an activity? 
The IRAJ was started by only a dozen people, but grew to have as many as about 70 members in ten years.  We met once in a month, initially to introduce each other some European studies and discuss them.  In a few years we decided to publish Interpreting Research (mimeographed pages bound together by a stapler), and its 17 volumes is our proud legacy.  Mr. Akira Mizuno, current President of JAITS, was one of the dozen people who gathered at the first meeting, and eventually came to serve as a very capable secretariat.
After about ten years, we started thinking: maybe we should not just be a private and voluntary organization as we were but become an officially recognized academic association.  We slowly drafted the Constitution, and appointed various officers.
It was on September 23, 2009 that the Japan Association of Interpreting Studies (JAIS) was established.  The publication of the Interpreting Studies began immediately.  The Science Council of Japan immediately recognized it on the basis of our hitherto activities of IRAJ.
At the founding meeting of JAIS, the Constitution and the board members were approved.  Immediately it changed itself to the first JAIS Conference, where Mr. Sen Nishiyama (well-known interpreter through TV broadcasting of the Apollo landing on the moon, and the official interpreter of the then US Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Reischauer) gave a special lecture.  This was followed by a symposium with the six panelists who were the new board members, and academic presentations of the two members of JAIS (Ms. Sae Nagata, and Mr. Akira Mizuno).  As many as eight overseas colleagues (Jean-Pierre Allain, Peter Davidson, Yoko Yamamoto, Margareta Bowen, Jean Delisle, Laura Gran, Diane de Terra, Robin Setton) gave congratulatory messages, reproduced in the Interpreting Studies, Special Issue 2000.
Last but not least, I have two things to add.  Mr. Daniel Gile had originally studied mathematics and is something of a genius, but later received solid training to become a conference interpreter.  Then, he started to self-teach Japanese, and came to Japan to promote interpreting research in this country.  He met quite a number of his colleagues in Japan, and prompted me and a few others to write for META in 1988.
Also, I myself had written papers for the Daito Bunka University academic journals on interpreting between English and Japanese, specifically on the difference in the structure of paragraphs, for instance. 
If I may be allowed to put a Post Script, I might mention that three members, unknown until then, approached me during the evening reception and told me the same thing:  “Kondo-san, you sowed the seeds and we see their flowers today.”  I honestly must admit that I had never looked at what I did in that kind of light:  I was too busy, teaching full-time at DBU and writing papers nobody read, while interpreting 100 or 120 days a year.  Have I done something to deserve to inhale the precious oxygen and consume scarce food on the globe?


